Fujifilm Corp. released the firmware ver 2.00 of FinePix Real3D W1 on 2010/04/08. In this firmware, it adds the function suppport 16:9 (1920*1080) image size, so we can take Full HD picture if we update the firmware.
The Real3D W1 support page in Japan Fujifilm corp offical site.
The following is the update steps:
1. 打開上面的日文官網連結
1. Open the Japanese offical website link above.
2. 點下「FinePix REAL 3D W1ファームウエアのダウンロードページへ」。
2. Click "FinePix REAL 3D W1ファームウエアのダウンロードページへ".
3. 點下網頁最下面的「同意する」。
3. Click "同意する" at the bottom of page.
4. 在「FinePix REAL 3D W1 デジタルカメラ用ファームウエア FPUPDATE.DAT (18.9MB)」下找到「ダウンロード」並點下。點下後應該會開始下載更新檔FPUPDATE.DAT。
4. Find the "ダウンロード" (download) under the "FinePix REAL 3D W1 デジタルカメラ用ファームウエア FPUPDATE.DAT (18.9MB)", then click it. After you do this, you can download the firmware file "FPUPDATE.DAT".
5. 將FPUPDATE.DAT放到記憶卡的根目錄。
5. Find a SD card, and put the FPUPDATE.DAT in the root of the card.
The following is video walk through.
6. 把記憶卡放回相機,按住「DISP/BACK」鈕不放並打開相機。
7. 點選OK後選擇更新,接著就靜待更新。
8. 更新完成,現在相機裡面已經有1920*1080的解析度了。
6. Put the SD card into your camera, hold the "DISP/BACK" button and turn on your camera.
7. Press OK, select OK, and wait for update.
8. Update done. Now you can take 1920*1080 picture.