
[note] Xperia 1 VI / Android slow motion video to normal speed video

This method using FFMPEG PC version to acheive.



"%~dp0ffmpeg.exe" -y -i %1 -vn -af "asetrate=48000*4" "%~dpn1.wav"
"%~dp0ffmpeg.exe" -y -i %1 -an -c:v copy "%~dpn1.h264"
"%~dp0ffmpeg.exe" -y -r 120 -i "%~dpn1.h264" -i "%~dpn1.wav" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 320k "%~dpn1-remux-4x.mp4"
del "%~dpn1.h264" "%~dpn1.wav"


"%~dp0ffmpeg.exe" -hide_banner -y -itsscale 0.25 -i %1 -c:v copy -af "asetrate=48000*4,atempo=1" -c:a aac -b:a 320k "%~dpn1-4x.mp4"


As Xperia 1 record slow motion viedo, the format is MP4(30fps H.264 AVC + 48kHz 150kbps AAC), and speed is 0.25x.

For video, to keep all the frame and not to re-encode, need to modify frame rate only. The bad news is there are only two way to keep all the frames, one is bitstream mode, the other is itsscale.

For the bitstream mode, it need to extrect H264 to raw file, and use "-r" to re-assign timestamps. This method will not modify frame.

For audio stream, since AAC cannot speed up to 192khz, i choose re-assign 48kHz as 192kHz audio, and save it to wav. Since best AAC frequency is 96k, FFMPEG will auto resample to 96kHz.

For easier way, choose itsscale 0.25 times, re-assign audio rate (asetrate) and assign tempo. If tempo not assign, output file will be kind of weired. But this method will keep video FPS is not constant, i don't know what will happend so i like method 1 more.




