6 99 9 2 17 51 44.0 -.839701388031D-03 -.165982783074D-10 .000000000000D+00 .910000000000D+02 .934062500000D+02 .116040547840D-08 .162092304801D+00 .484101474285D-05 .626740418375D-02 .652112066746D-05 .515365489006D+04 .409904000000D+06 -.242143869400D-07 .329237003460D+00 -.596046447754D-07 .111541663136D+01 .326593750000D+03 .206958726335D+01 -.638312302555D-08 .307155651409D-09 .000000000000D+00 .102500000000D+04 .000000000000D+00 .000000000000D+00 .000000000000D+00 .000000000000D+00 .910000000000D+02 .406800000000D+06 .000000000000D+00 6 99 9 2 17 51 44.0-0.839701388031D-03-0.165982783074D-10 0.000000000000D+00 0.910000000000D+02 0.934062500000D+02 0.116040547840D-08 0.162092304801D+00 0.484101474285D-05 0.626740418375D-02 0.652112066746D-05 0.515365489006D+04 0.409904000000D+06-0.242143869400D-07 0.329237003460D+00-0.596046447754D-07 0.111541663136D+01 0.326593750000D+03 0.206958726335D+01-0.638312302555D-08 0.307155651409D-09 0.000000000000D+00 0.102500000000D+04 0.000000000000D+00 0.000000000000D+00 0.000000000000D+00 0.000000000000D+00 0.910000000000D+02 0.406800000000D+06 0.000000000000D+00
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(void){ ifstream fin; // open file fin.open("test2.txt", ios::in); // if file is open if(fin.is_open()){ // ephemeris data int intPrn; int intYear, intMonth, intDay, intHr, intMin; float numSec; double numData[4]; // count line (must start from -1) int intLine = -1; // if file can read while(!fin.eof()) { // count++ intLine = (intLine<(8-1)) ? intLine+1 : 0; // line information string strLine; getline(fin, strLine); // save 4 string string strA, strB, strC, strD; strA = (strLine.size() > 0) ? strLine.substr(0,22) : ""; strB = (strLine.size() > 22) ? strLine.substr(22,19) : ""; strC = (strLine.size() > 41) ? strLine.substr(41,19) : ""; strD = (strLine.size() > 60) ? strLine.substr(60,99) : ""; if(intLine == 0){ // use sscanf read prn and time tag sscanf(strA.c_str(), "%d %d %d %d %d %d %f", &intPrn, &intYear, &intMonth, &intDay, &intHr, &intMin, &numSec); //cout << intPrn << endl; //cout << "yy dd mm HH MM SS: " << intYear << " " << intMonth << " " << intDay << " " << intHr << " " << intMin << " " << numSec << endl; // tag line, save 3 data (from 1~3) numData[1] = strtod(strB.c_str(), NULL); numData[2] = strtod(strC.c_str(), NULL); numData[3] = strtod(strD.c_str(), NULL); // create char to save char char *chrLine; chrLine = new char[80+1]; sprintf(chrLine, "%2d %2d %2d %2d %2d %2d %4.1f%+19.12E%+19.12E%+19.12E\n", intPrn, intYear, intMonth, intDay, intHr, intMin, numSec, numData[1], numData[2], numData[3]); // build string from char string strOut = chrLine; strOut.erase(79,1).erase(59,1).erase(39,1); cout << strOut << endl; }else{ // not tag line, save 4 data (from 0~3) numData[0] = strtod(strA.c_str(), NULL); numData[1] = strtod(strB.c_str(), NULL); numData[2] = strtod(strC.c_str(), NULL); numData[3] = strtod(strD.c_str(), NULL); //cout << strLine.c_str()+3 << endl; // create char to save char char *chrLine; chrLine = new char[80+1]; sprintf(chrLine, "%+19.12E%+19.12E%+19.12E%+19.12E\n", numData[0], numData[1], numData[2], numData[3]); // build string from char string strOut = chrLine; // force cut E+000 to E+00 strOut.erase(78,1).erase(58,1).erase(38,1).erase(18,1); cout << " " << strOut << endl; } } } fin.close(); system("PAUSE"); return 0; }